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ToggleWhich Is More Soundproof Drywall Or Plywood?

Are you planning to soundproof your walls?
Well, it may be an overwhelming task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. With there being so many materials to use, it’s prudent to get the best knowledge on the project. Even better, you need to compare the options to find the best choice of materials for your soundproofing needs.
Plywood vs Drywall vs MDF vs OSB Soundproofing – Which Is Better?
You should know that every soundproofing project is different. However, in most projects, drywall is the best choice compared to plywood. That’s because drywall has more mass and is denser than other materials. Therefore, it can block off any sound successfully. Of course, there are a few underlying factors to consider. Depending on the factors in question, your choice of soundproofing material doesn’t really matter. Your creativity and diligence will determine the overall outcome of the project.
Drywall is the most affordable noise-reducing option since it covers more mass. Note that, plywood is less effective since it’s easy for sound to transfer through the wood. Both MDF and OSB have similar soundproofing characteristics as drywall. However, they have some disadvantages that may make them a bad choice.

What Is More Soundproof? Plywood Or Drywall?
Yes, for most applications, drywall is a better soundproofing choice than plywood. As mentioned, it has a larger mass and sound travels very fast through the plywood.
Drywall vs Plywood
Each of these materials is similar when it comes to soundproofing features. However, they have varying qualities that make them more or less effective depending on the various applications. Here is what you need to know about each material and how it can be used for soundproofing needs.
It is the most affordable choice. Drywall is actually a very popular material for double-layering walls. This is because it is more moisture-resistant than other materials. Rather than doubling up the drywall layers, you should consider using acoustic drywall like QuietRock.
When building soundproof walls, you need to choose metal studs over wood studs. Doing this simple change will result in a noise reduction of about 5db. Note that, metal studs are not as rigid as wood studs. As such, they don’t transmit vibrations as fast as wood studs.
For the best soundproofing effects, you need to stagger the studs. As such, the inside and outside layers will be attached to their own set of studs. It is simply the decoupling principle used for soundproofing purposes. As previously mentioned, drywall is one of the most popular materials used in building interior walls. This is because it is considered to be a superior soundproofing material.
Keep in mind that drywall built according to the builder’s specs is not often soundproof. However, it simply provides a barrier from one room to the other. When it is installed with soundproofing in mind, it is a great soundproofing material compared to everything else on the market. There are different ways to install drywall to soundproof a room including doubling up on the drywall.
When doubling up on the drywall, it’s a good idea to use Green Glue for the best results. As such, it will dampen any sound passing through the 2 layers of drywall. If it’s new construction, you can always use thicker drywall. On the other hand, if you are remodeling your home, you can tear out the old drywall and replace it with entirely new.

Is It Really Good For Soundproofing?
If you are using plywood for your soundproofing project, you shouldn’t expect a lot of good results. That’s because it is actually made out of wood which is a good medium for sound to pass through. As such, sound passes through the wood so it is less effective when it comes to blocking it. However, plywood can always be used as a supplementary but not the main material.
However, your creativity is still important when it comes to the project. Everything is possible depending on the type of material you are using. Most people prefer plywood because it is very affordable. Actually, it is cheaper than other soundproofing materials. Therefore, it’s very accessible if you are looking for a cheaper option. Plywood is also a very strong material for building walls.
That’s because plywood can hold screws properly. It can also be cut through with a handsaw. However, when you compare drywall and plywood, it’s much better to go with drywall. If you want to be creative, you can try combining both materials and see what happens. For instance, rather than adding multiple layers of drywall, you can add a layer of plywood on top of another layer of drywall for the best results. It’s a great way to reduce your expenses for the project
How To Build A Better Soundproof Plywood Wall
Yes, you can always use plywood for your walls, if that’s your choice. However, keep in mind that it is not a good soundproofing material. It is one of the materials where sound can travel. If you add several layers of plywood, you will have a harder time getting the soundproofing benefits you need. The space found in between the pieces has air allowing the sound to pass through more freely but you may have a worse problem if you use extremely thin pieces of plywood for the job.
The best way forward is to use stud walls to mount the plywood. Make sure they are installed separately to avoid touching each other. If they touch each other, they will become the vibration medium used for the sound. If you want the best results, avoid using cheaper plywood. Cheaper materials will result in poorer qualities. If you have a limited budget, or if you are not looking to spend additional money on the drywall, you can always choose alternatives. An egg crate is a good recommendation since it helps dampen the sound.
Start by putting egg crates in the air gaps. If you do this properly, you will have the best results as the expensive materials. The best soundproofing results can be guaranteed by paying attention to every small detail. Make sure you resolve every flaw. Failure to do this will jeopardize the entire project. For instance, if there is a small crack on the wall not fixed properly, it will produce a lot of noise since it will allow noise from outside to enter. A small mistake during the installation process will lead to more problems later on.
How Do You Build A Better Soundproof Drywall?
If you are looking for a way to build a better soundproof wall, here is what you need to do. Get the right supplies for the job such as framing supplies, green glue, insulation material, caulk gun, screws, drywall, (building tools such as ruler, drill, masking tape, knife) and much more.

How To Make Your Soundproofing Project More Successful
Yes, the soundproofing materials are perfect but they have a few flaws. However, they are not entirely useless when it comes to soundproofing your home. By using the right technique among other supplemental materials, you should be able to achieve your soundproofing goal. Well, here is a list of the best supplemental materials you should consider for your soundproofing project.
When applied perfectly, these materials will do a great job when it comes to soundproofing any living space.
Spray Foam Insulation
It is a highly recommended material to use when soundproofing your home. The spray is the perfect treatment for your walls to maximize the soundproofing effect. When applied, spray foam completely seals all the gaps on your wall. As such, there are no air gaps left in the walls for outside noise to enter. Of course, it doesn’t come cheap. It is actually pricier compared to other products.
However, it is definitely worth trying. You can’t skimp on the price when it comes to having a quiet room. You should know that spray foam insulation can’t completely soundproof a room on its own. Yes, it is a great soundproofing material but you can’t use it as an end-to-end soundproofing solution without any issues. When using the material, you need to know about the installation guidelines.
Make sure you can do it on your own or you have some type of self-confidence to carry out the project effortlessly. If you are not able to do it alone, you can always hire someone to do it for you, especially a professional. Take time to find the right professional for the job because hiring the wrong person for the job will end up costing you a lot of money.
Final Thoughts On Using Plywood For Soundproofing
If you want the best results with soundproofing, drywall is a better choice compared to plywood. If you prefer using plywood, make sure you follow the instructions properly to dampen the sound to avoid further issues. Remember, to be successful with soundproofing, you don’t need to put all your hopes on the material you choose. Rather, it also depends on your creativity about the project and your implementation process. With these simple tips, your next soundproofing project should be effortless.
Well, if you are looking for a way to reinforce your walls with drywall, you have come to the right place. On the other hand, you have learned how to make your walls as soundproof as possible using the materials given to you. Remember, overall soundproofing can be quite complex. Therefore, before you embark on such a project, you need to assess the overall needs of your project and choose what suits you the best.
If you are not a professional when it comes to soundproofing, it’s always a good idea to hire the best soundproofing experts for the best results. Therefore, you need to take the time to hire the best expert rather than hiring the cheapest one you find. Additionally, make sure they have experience in handling different types of soundproofing materials for the best results. You can always ask for referrals from friends or family and get the best soundproofing expert near you.
Contact Golden State Drywall Repair Service, Oakland, CA for expert drywall repair service at (510) 250-5447. Call today and get your free estimation!